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How to run PowerShell Script from a Batch File

What is a .bat file?

A batch file is a text file that the Windows cmd.exe command line processor executes as a batch job. It contains a series of line commands in plain text that are executed to perform various tasks, such as starting programs or running maintenance utilities within Windows.

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Why call my PowerShell script from a batch file

You can’t double-click to run .PS1 files, but you can execute a .BAT file that way. So, we’ll write a batch file to call the PowerShell script from the command line. There are several good reasons for doing this:

So in this post, we are going to discuss how you can call the PowerShell script from a batch file.

STEP #1: Creating sample .ps1 file

Writing simple site validation PowerShell script and save as SiteValidationTestThroughBATFile.ps1

STEP #2: Creating a batch file with .bat extension

I had created the simple notepad file and saved it with the .bat extension as shown below. The below .bat file has created file name with ClickToValidationSite_EXE.bat

STEP #3: Calling .ps file inside the .bat file

Open the ClickToValidationSite_EXE.bat by right with the Edit option, it will open in the notepad. Here we going to call the PowerShell script which will validate and provide the status of the site.

In the first line, the @echo off commands are used to disable the echoing or prevents the echo on the screen.
PowerShell.exe called from any CMD window or batch file to launch PowerShell. -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
-Commend will bypass the execution policy so the script will run without any restriction.

OUTPUT: Run PowerShell Script from a Batch


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