An error in a PowerShell script will prevent it from completing script execution successfully. Using error handling with try-catch blocks allows you to manage and respond to these terminating errors. In this post, we will discuss the basics of try/catch blocks and how to find or handle exception messages in the Powershell.

Syntax overview of Try/Catch

Like similar in other programming languages, the try-catch block syntax is very simple and syntax will be the same. It is framed with two sections enclosed in curly brackets (the first block is a try and the second is the catch block).

try {
# Functionality within try block
catch {
# Action to do with errors

The main purpose of using the try-catch block, we can start to manipulate the error output and make it more friendly for the user.

Example 1:

After executing the below script, the below error will be shown on the screen as output and it would occupy some space and the problem may not be immediately visible to the User. So you can use a try-catch block to manipulate the error output and make it more friendly.

without Try-Catch block

Get-content -Path “C:\dotnet-helpers\BLOG\TestFiled.txt”ย 

with Try Catch block

In the below script, we added the ErrorActionย parameter with a value ofย Stopย to the command. Not all errors are considered โ€œterminatingโ€, so sometimes we need to add this bit of code in order to properly terminate into the catch block.

try {
Get-content -Path “C:\dotnet-helpers\BLOG\TestFile.txt” -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
Write-Warning -Message “Can’t read the file, seem there is an issue”


Example 2:

Using the $Error Variable

In Example 1, we have displayed our own custom message instead of this you can display the specific error message that occurred instead of the entire red text exception block. When an error occurs in the try block, it is saved to the Automatic variable named $Error. The $Error variable contains an array of recent errors, and you can reference the most recent error in the array at index 0.

Get-content -Path “C:\dotnet-helpers\BLOG\TestFiled.txt” -ErrorAction Stop

Write-Warning -Message “Cant’t read the file, seem there is an issue”
Write-Warning $Error[0]


Example 3:

Using Exception Messages

You can also use multiple catch blocks in case if you want to handle different types of errors. For this example, we going to handle two different types of errors and planned to display different custom messages. The first CATCH is to handle if the path does not exist and the next CATCH is to handle if any error related to the driver not found.

Using try/catch blocks gives additional power in handling errors in a script and we can have different actions based on the error type. The catch block focuses on not only displaying error messages but we can have logic that will resolve the error and continue executing the rest of the script.

In this example, the file mentioned driver (G:\dotnet-helpers\BLOG\TestFiled.txt) does not exist in the execution machine, so it was caught by [System.Management.Automation.DriveNotFoundException] and executed the same CATCH block.