queue() Effect in Jquery
Description: The jquery queue() method shows the queue of functions to be executed on the matched/selected elements. A queue is one or more functions waiting to run and it has several queues. Most often it has
animation() Effect in Jquery
Description: Jquery animation() method provide the custom animation with set of CSS properties. Syntax .animate( properties[duration ] [easing ] [complete ] ).animate( properties, options ) Ex : $("#div").animate({ }); params params parameter defines the CSS
delay() Effect in Jquery
Description: The jQuery delay() method is used to delay the execution of animation in the queue. It is a best method for delay between the queued jQuery effects. Syntax .delay( speed ) Ex : $("#div").delay("1000")
show() Effect in Jquery
Description: Jquery show() method used to display(make visible) matched element. The matched/selected elements will be show immediately, without any animation. If we apply duration, plain object or callback function then .show() becomes an animation method. It animates the height, width and opacity of
.slideToggle() Effect in Jquery
Description: Jquery slideToggle() method display/hide the matched elements with a sliding motion. Alternatively, we can use slideToggle() method that perform both slide up and down animation based up on the initial display. If initial displays state is in slide down
.slideUp() Effect in Jquery
Description: Jquery slideUp() method is used to slide UP the matched element with a sliding motion. Syntax .slideUp( duration, easing, complete/callback ) Ex : $("#div").slideUp("slow", function() { // Execute after Animation completed. }); Duration/speed It specifies the
.slideDown() Effect in Jquery
Description: Jquery slideDown() method slide down the matched elements with a sliding motion. Syntax .slideDown( duration, easing, complete/callback ) Ex : $("#div").slideDown("slow", function() { // Animation complete. }); Duration/speed It specifies the speed of the fadein.