
1809, 2016

fadeTo() Effect in Jquery

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Description: jQuery fadeTo() method is used to fading the given opacity for the matched/selected element. It is similar to the .fadeIn method but that method unhides the element and always fades to 100% opacity. Syntax .fadeTo( duration,

1609, 2016

.fadeOut() Effect in Jquery

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Description: The fadeOut( ) method fades out all selected/matched elements by applying the opacity to 0, then setting display to "none" . Finally the optional callback will be triggered after completion of animation. Syntax .fadeOut(

1509, 2016

fadeIn() Effect in Jquery

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Description: Display matched elements by fading them to opaque. In simple word, its animates the opacity for the matched elements. Syntax .fadeIn( [duration ] [easing] [callback] ) $("#div").fadeIn("slow"); Duration/speed  It specifies the speed of the

1409, 2016

jQuery Effects

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jQuery framework provide more flexible way to add more effects on a web page by using in-build methods. jQuery effects can be categorized in to following ways Short Idea About Jquery Effects: jQuery Effects provide large

1209, 2016

Implementing jQuery.ajax() using Jquery

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What is JQuery Ajax? AJAX is standing for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It helps us to fetch the information from the server without reloading the page (ie., without refresh). JQuery is a great tool which provides a

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