Category Archives: Devops

Delete File or Directory in Linux with Scheduled Azure DevOps Pipeline

In my working environment, we are managing more Linux based Agent machines for building the solution to create artifacts and we got required to clean the build artifacts on regular manner in automatic way so we though to write a bash scrip and make this as scheduled in release pipeline (Delete File or Directory in Linux). Base on my automation, though to write a post to explain How to Delete File or Directory in Linux with Scheduled Azure DevOps Pipeline

You can also read

step 1: Find the disk space usage

The df -h command is used to display information about disk space usage on a Unix-like system. When you run this command in a terminal, it will show the disk space usage in a human-readable format.

For more clear, disk free also known as `df`, which is a powerful utility that provides valuable information on disk space utilization. The df command displays information about file system disk space usage on the mounted file system. The -h flag makes the sizes human-readable, using units like KB, MB, GB, etc.

df -h

STEP 2:Get list of directories/files and assign to variable

Before we can remove a folder or director, we must first know its name. Therefore, we must first execute the “ls” command in the terminal to find a folder or directory, or to view all of the folders. In Linux and other operating systems based on Unix, the “ls” command is used to display the files or folders.

As i am going to clean my agent folder so path will be /agent/_work.
We are assigning the output of the command ls /agent/_work/ | grep [0-9] to the variable directorylist. This command lists the contents of the /agent/_work/ directory and filters the results to include only lines that contain numbers (as my agent machine folder will create with name as numbers).

directorylist=$(ls /agent/_work/ | grep [0-9])

 STEP 3: Loop the list of directories and delete

Next, we need to loop the directory list one by one in the while loop as shown in below script. while read line is a loop that reads each line of the processed output ( is used for bash shell to read a file using while loop).The option ‘-r’ in the above-mentioned syntax passed to read command that avoids the backslash escapes from being interpreted

  • tr ‘ ‘ ‘\n’: one of the use of tr command is to find and replace, here it will replace spaces with newline characters.
  • The loop body (between do and done) is where you can put your processing logic for each line. I’ve included a simple echo statement as an example.
echo $directorylist | tr ' ' '\n' | while read -r line
........... You logic to delete ...........

STEP 4: Remove the directory/file from the list

We can Delete File or Directory in Linux by using rm command and -rf will be used to remove fore fully as shown below.

echo "removing folder $line"
rm -rf /agent/_work/$line

Full code: Delete File or Directory in Linux 

# Find the disk space usage
df -h
echo "Running a disk space clean up"
#Get list of directories/files and assign to variable
directorylist=$(ls /agent/_work/ | grep [0-9])
#Loop the list of directries and delete
echo $directorylist | tr ' ' '\n' | while read line
echo "removing folder $line"
rm -rf /agent/_work/$line

How to implement delete directory (above script) script in scheduled manner Azure DevOps pipeline?

  1. First enable the “Scheduled release trigger” as shown below in release pipeline. In same pipeline, create a new stage with the Bash task with the above script which shown to Delete File or Directory in Linux . Delete a File or Directory in Linux
  2. Select the stage and click “pre-deployment condition” and schedule the pipeline condition when it need to execute and save. Post this action, the pipeline will ran on specific time and execute the cleanup task.


Different ways to List Environment Variables in Linux

An environment variable is a dynamic object that defines a location to store some value. We can change the behavior of the system and software using an environment variable. Environment variables are very important in computer programming. They help developers to write flexible programs.

There are Different ways to List Environment Variables in Linux. We can use the env, printenv, declare, or set command to list all variables in the system. In this Post , we’ll explain how to use Different ways to List Environment Variables in Linux.

You can also learn how to A Step-by-Step Guide to Set Environment Variables in Linux

Using printenv Command

The printenv command displays all or specified environment variables. To list all environment variables, simply type:


We can specify one or more variable names on the command line to print only those specific variables. Or, if we run the command without arguments, it will display all environment variables of the current shell.

For example, we can use the printenv command followed by HOME to display the value of the HOME environment variable:

printenv HOME

In addition, we can specify multiple environment variables with the printenv command to display the values of all the specified environment variables:

Let’s display the values of the HOME and SHELL environment variables:

printenv HOME SHELL

Using env Command

The env command is similar to printenv but is primarily used to run a command in a modified environment. env is another shell command we can use to print a list of environment variables and their values. Similarly, we can use the env command to launch the correct interpreter in shell scripts.

We can run the env command without any arguments to display a list of all environment variables:


Using set Command

The set command lists all shell variables, including environment variables and shell functions. It displays more than just environment variables, so the output will be more comprehensive:

set is yet another command-line utility for listing the names and values of each shell variable. Although the set command has other uses, we can display the names and values of all shell variables in the current shell simply by running it without any options or arguments:


Using export -p Command

The export -p command shows all environment variables that are exported to the current shell session:

export -p

Using the declare Command

declare is another built-in command used to declare a shell variable and display its values. For example, let’s run the declare command without any option to print a list of all shell variables in the system: The declare -x command lists environment variables along with some additional information, similar to export -p:

declare -x

Using the echo Command

echo is also used to display values of the shell variable in Linux. For example, let’s run the echo command to display the value of the $HOSTNAME variable:



There are multiple ways to list and manage environment variables in Linux, ranging from command-line utilities to graphical tools. Each method provides a different level of detail and flexibility, allowing users to choose the one that best fits their needs.

Incorporating these methods into your blog post will provide a comprehensive guide for readers looking to understand and manage environment variables in Linux.


How to Drop SQL database using PowerShell

My Scenario:

As a System Admin/DevOps Guys, we got urgent cost optimization process and it need to done in very less time frame. From the cost optimization list, one of the action is to clean the unused database and backup file across all the environment. So we having 100+ database in each environment and its difficult to make manual clean up as it will take more time and there is lot of chance to wrong deletion of used database’s. So to avoid this we thought to automate this process to clean up database’s across all the environment. In this post we will discuss about how to How to drop SQL database using PowerShell

If you are working with Azure SQL Databases and want to use Azure PowerShell (Az module), you can use the Get-AzSqlDatabase cmdlet to retrieve information about SQL databases in an Azure SQL Server. Here’s an example script to get the list of all SQL database names:

Step 1: Declare SQL and resource details

#Assign the variables
$resourcegroup = "rg-dgtl-strg-prd-we-01"
$dbserverName = "sqlsrvr-dgtl-prd-we"
$username = "sqlprd01"
$password = "Srdc4$wm2t1F"

Step 2: Connect to the database using Get-AzSqlDatabase cmdlet

The Get-AzSqlDatabase cmdlet is used in Azure PowerShell to retrieve information about SQL databases (as shown in the below snap shot) in an Azure SQL Server. It’s part of the Az module, which is the recommended module for managing Azure resources. Below is a brief explanation of how to use the Get-AzSqlDatabase cmdlet:


[[-DatabaseName] <String>]
[-KeysFilter <String>]
[-ServerName] <String>
[-ResourceGroupName] <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]

#Get the all the database for specific SQL server using -ServerName parameter
$SQLdbs = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ServerName $dbserverName -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup

Step 3: Retrieve all database’s details Using foreach.

In step 1, we got all the database details which present inside sqlsrvr-dgtl-prd-we SQL server and as i said on top, I am having 100+ database present in the sql server so below loop will loop one by one to process the db’s details. Below, i am getting only database name for db using property name like “DatabaseName”

#Loop the list of databases and check on one by one
foreach ($SQLdb in $SQLdbs){
$SQLdb = $SQLdb.DatabaseName.ToString()
if (..) { check databasename contains or -eq to find activie dbs. }
else { logic to delete the non-active dbs. }

Step 4: Remove the database using Remove-AzSqlDatabase

The Remove-AzSqlDatabase cmdlet removes an Azure SQL database. This cmdlet is also supported by the SQL Server Stretch Database service on Azure.


[-DatabaseName] <String>
[-ServerName] <String>
[-ResourceGroupName] <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]

#Remove the database based on -DatabaseName parameter
Remove-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroup -ServerName $dbserverName -DatabaseName $dbName

Points to remember:

I am running above script inside my jump/AVD machine so if required please use -DefaultProfile parameter in the Get-AzSqlDatabase / Remove-AzSqlDatabase to authenticate the SQL server. This -DefaultProfile parameter used with credentials, tenant and subscription used for communication with azure.


Pull and Push Docker Image to Azure Container Registry using Azure Devops pipeline

When you want to develop and implement the container application in Azure. The first and main step you would execute is to build the images and push them into the our own private Registry (ex: Azure Container registry). In this post, I will explain how to Pull and Push Docker Image to Azure Container Registry using Azure DevOps pipeline

If your solution is going to use base image from public repo then best practice in DevOps to pull & push the trusted public image to ACR, post that we need to use same in our custom solution build.

what is Azure container Registry (ACR)

Azure Container Registry also is the similar as but is provided by azure cloud. The Azure Container registry can be private and can be used by only one team or users who have access. So, users with access can push and pull images.

It provides geo-replication so that images pushed in one datacenter in one region gets replicated in all the connected configured datacenters and gets deployed simultaneously to Kubernetes clusters in respective locations.

Pull and push Docker Image

The purpose of this article is to provide steps to guide how to pull the image from public repository and provide commands to push and pull images from registry using the Azure DevOps pipeline.

There can be two options when you want to push the container images into ACR.

Option 1: Import the pre-existing Docker image from the docker hub ( registry and deploy it to AKS.

Option 2: Create a new custom image based on our solution (we can use push and pull other public registry and use in our solution as base image to build our solution), push it to ACR, and then deploy it to AKS.

Note: If you are using Azure default Agent or your own Agent, then decide which type of image your pulling and pushing. If the image is build on windows then the window Agent need to use for the push and pull or linux Agent if image is build with linux as base image. In my case, i am pulling the linux based image from to my ACR. Post this action, we will refer the same image during the nginx ingress installation in my AKS

Push Image to Azure Container Registry

Step 1 : Login to Azure Container Registry with Non-Interactive mode

Syntax:  docker login –username demo –password example

- bash: |
docker login -u crdgtlshared010 -p rtvGwd6X2YJeeKhernclok=UHRceH7rls

Step 2 : Pull the image and tag the image with registry prefix

In my case, I need to pull the image from public repository ( and from my ACR i need to refer this image during the ingress installation in AKS cluster. To be able to push Docker images to Azure Container Registry, they need to be tagged with the login Server name of the Registry. These tags are used for routing purposes when we push these Docker images to Azure. In simple words, Docker tags convey useful information about a specific image version/variant

Syntax:  docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]

- bash: |

docker pull

docker tag

displayName: 'push ingnix base image'

enabled: false

Pull Image to Azure Container Registry

Step 3 : Pull the image with registry name prefix

Now that the image is tagged (in step 2), we can use the “docker push” command to push this image to Azure Container Registry;

Syntax:  docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]

- bash: |
docker push
displayName: 'push ingnix base image'
enabled: false

This operation might take a few minutes and you will se the image being uploaded to Azure Container Registry in the console.

Note: To pull image directly onto docker-compose, kubernetes yml files, use appropriate logins. Usually in these scenarios, docker login is the first step before docker-compose up is called, so that images get pulled successfully

For this above example, to explain in step by step i used bash task for each action but we can do all to gether in single bask task in pipeline as shown below.

Full YAML code for Pipeline

- bash: |
docker login -u crdgtlshared02 -p gbHdlo6X2YJeeKhaxjnlok=UHRceT9NR

docker pull docker tag

docker push 

displayName: 'push ingnix base image' 

enabled: false

How to pass values between Tasks in a Pipeline using task.setvariable Command

Problem ?

Azure DevOps pipeline is a set of Tasks which can perform a specific task and these tasks will run inside a Agent Machine (ie., Virtual Machine). While Task is executing, it will be allocated some resources and after the Task execution is complete, the allocated resources will be de-allocated. The entire allocation / de-allocation process repeats for other tasks available within the pipeline. It means the Task1 cannot directly communicate with Task2 or any other subsequent Tasks in the pipeline (pass values between Tasks) as their scope of execution is completely isolated though they get executed in the same Virtual Machine .

In this article, we are going to learn about the scenario where you can communicate between Tasks and pass values between Tasks in a Pipeline .

How to Pass Values between tasks ?

When you use PowerShell and Bash scripts in your pipelines, it’s often useful to be able to set variables that you can then use in future tasks. Newly set variables aren’t available in the same task. You’ll use the task.setvariable logging command to set variables in PowerShell and Bash scripts.

what is Task.setvariable?

Task.setvariable is a logging command can be used to create a variable that be used across tasks within the pipeline whether they are in same job of a stage or across stages. VSO stands for Visual Studio Online, which is part of Azure DevOps’ early roots

“##vso[task.setvariable variable=myStageVal;isOutput=true]this is a stage output variable”


- powershell: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myVar;]foo"

- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=myVar;]foo"

SetVariable Properties

The task.setvariable command includes properties for setting a variable as secret, as an output variable, and as read only. The available properties include:

  • variable = variable name (Required)
  • Issecret = true make the variable as a Secret
  • isoutput = To use the variable in the next stage, set the isoutput property to true
  • isreadonly = When you set a variable as read only, it can’t be overwritten by downstream tasks. Set isreadonly to true

Share variables between Tasks within a Job

Let’s now create a new variable in Task1, assign some value to it and access the Variable in next Task. 

  • Create a variable named Token using the setvariable syntax, assign it some test value (eg – TestTokenValue)
  • Display the value of the Token variable in the next Task as shown in below (Task name ‘Stage1-Job1-Task2’).
- stage: Stage1
- job: Job1
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Stage1-Job1-Task1'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=token]TestTokenValue"
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Stage1-Job1-Task2'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "the Value of Token : $(token)"

Now, view the output of the variable of the Stage1-Job1-Task2 as shown below. Share variables between Tasks across the Jobs (of the same Stage)

Share variables between Tasks across the Jobs (of the same Stage)

As we discussed in SetVariable property section, We need to use the isOutput=true flag when you desire to use the variable in another Task located in another Job.

name: devopsagent-w-pprd01

- stage: Stage1
- job: Stage1_Job1
- task: PowerShell@2
name: 'Stage1_Job1_Task1'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=token;isoutput=true;]TestTokenValue"

- job: Stage1_Job2
dependsOn: Stage1_Job1
- name: GetToken
value: $[dependencies.Stage1_Job1.outputs['Stage1_Job1_Task1.token']]
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Stag1-Job2-Task1'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "the Value of Token : $(GetToken)"
  1. Navigate to Stage1_Job1_Task1 and add isoutput = true flag to the Logging Command which let’s us to access the value outside the Job.
  2. The Job in which you want to access the variable must be dependent on the other Job which produces the output. Add dependsOn: Stage1_Job1 in the Stage1_Job2.
  3. In the Stage1_Job2, Create a new variable named GetToken and set it’s values to $[dependencies.Stage1_Job1.outputs[‘Stage1_Job1_Task1.token’]]. This will help to access the variable value which is available in another dependent job. You can’ access this expression directly in the script. It’s mandatory to map the expression into the value of another variable.
  4. Finally, access the new variable in your script.
  5. Once the isoutput=true is added, it’s important to access the variable by prefixing the Task name. Otherwise, it wouldn’t work.


Below code where the Job2 can access the output of Job1.

Share variables between Tasks across Stages

As per below code, I didn’t specify dependency (using dependsOn) between Stages as Stage1 and Stage2 are one after the other. In case if you would like to access Stage1’s variable in Stage3 then the Stage2 must depend on Stage1.

Accessing value of one stage from another we need to use stageDependencies attribute where in between jobs we are used dependencies as shown in above YAML.

name: devopsagent-w-pprd01

- stage: Stage1
- job: Stage1_Job1
- task: PowerShell@2
name: 'Stage1_Job1_Task1'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=token;isoutput=true;]TestTokenValue"
- stage: Stage2
- job: Stage2_Job1
- name: getToken
value: $[stageDependencies.Stage1.Stage1_Job1.outputs['Stage1_Job1_Task1.token']]
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Stag1-Job2-Task1'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host "the Value of Token from Stage2: $(getToken)"


Rebuild index to reduce Fragmentation in SQL Server

Here we will learn how to identify and resolve by Rebuild index to reduce Fragmentation in SQL Server. Index fragmentation identification and index maintenance are important parts of the database maintenance task. Microsoft SQL Server keeps updating the index statistics with the Insert, Update or Delete activity over the table. The index fragmentation is the index performance value in percentage, which can be fetched by SQL Server DMV. According to the index performance value, users can take the indexes in maintenance by revising the fragmentation percentage with the help of Rebuild or Reorganize operation.

In SQL Server, both “rebuild” and “reorganize” refer to operations that can be performed on indexes to address fragmentation. However, they are distinct operations with different characteristics. Let’s explore the differences between rebuilding and reorganizing indexes:

Note: Optimize index is one of the maintenance activity to improve query performance and reduce resource consumption. Ensure you will plan to Performing the database index during the off business hours or less traffic hours (less request to database).

Advantages of Rebuild index to reduce Fragmentation:

  • Removes both internal and external fragmentation.
  • Reclaims unused space on data pages.
  • Updates statistics associated with the index.


  • Requires more system resources.
  • Locks the entire index during the rebuild process, potentially causing blocking.

How to find the Fragmentation?

Here we executed the SQL script for checking the fragmentation details for the specific database , where the result shown in the percentage.

## Script will give details of fragmentation in percentage 
Method 1:

DECLARE @cutoff_date DATETIME = DATEADD(day, -20, GETDATE()); SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ip.object_id) AS TableName, AS IndexName,
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ip
JOIN sys.indexes i
ON ip.object_id = i.object_id AND ip.index_id = i.index_id
JOIN sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats ius
ON ip.object_id = ius.object_id AND ip.index_id = ius.index_id

Method 2:

,OBJECT_NAME(ps.object_id) AS TableName
, AS IndexName
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats ps
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i
ON ps.object_id = i.object_id
AND ps.index_id = i.index_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), ps.object_id, ps.index_id, null, 'LIMITED') ips
ORDER BY ips.avg_fragmentation_in_percent DESC

Rebuild index to reduce Fragmentation:

The REBUILD operation involves recreating the entire index. This process drops the existing index and builds a new one from scratch. During the rebuild, the index is effectively offline, and there can be a period of downtime where the index is not available for queries. In simple, REBUILD locks the table for the whole operation period (which may be hours and days if the table is large). The syntax for rebuilding an index is as follows:

Rebuilding Full Index on selected database:

After executing the Rebuild index on specific database, you can able to view the fragmentation is reduce as shown in the below image.

-- Rebuild ALL Indexes
-- This will rebuild all the indexes on all the tables in your database.


DECLARE rebuildindexes CURSOR FOR
SELECT table_schema, table_name  
FROM information_schema.tables
OPEN rebuildindexes

DECLARE @tableSchema NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @tableName NVARCHAR(128)
DECLARE @Statement NVARCHAR(300)

FETCH NEXT FROM rebuildindexes INTO @tableSchema, @tableName

   SET @Statement = 'ALTER INDEX ALL ON '  + '[' + @tableSchema + ']' + '.' + '[' + @tableName + ']' + ' REBUILD'
   --PRINT @Statement 
   EXEC sp_executesql @Statement  
   FETCH NEXT FROM rebuildindexes INTO @tableSchema, @tableName

CLOSE rebuildindexes
DEALLOCATE rebuildindexes


How to Continue Azure Pipeline on failed task


Sometimes failing scripts are not failing the task when they should. And sometimes a failing command should not fail the task. How to handle these situations by Continue Azure Pipeline on failed task?

In Sometimes, you many have some Pipeline Tasks which may be dependent on external reference which may chance to fail at any time. In these scenarios, if the Task is failing (or may be failing intermittently) due to any issue in external reference, your entire pipeline would fail. You don’t have any insights about when the bug would get fixed. So in the above case, you though to run the pipeline if any issue in the that task and you want to ensure if any issue in future for this task then it wont lead to pipeline failure.

This simple technique can be used in scenarios where you have a non-mandatory task that’s failing intermittently and you want to continue the execution of the pipeline

Solution : 

In this case, it absolutely makes sense to continue the execution of the next set of Tasks (Continue Azure Pipeline on failed task) . In this post, we are going to learn how to continue the execution of the pipeline if a particular Task has failed by using ContinueOnError/failOnStderr/failOnStandardError property.

using ContinueOnError attribute in Powershell/script Task

Let’s build a pipeline with few tasks where we simulate and error in one of the tasks as shown below. As shown in the below code, the following points to be noted.

The task named “continueOnError Task”, an intentional added targetType: ‘filePath’ but used the ‘inline’ script instead of mapping with script file to simulate an error. Second, attribute called continueOnError has bee added to ignore if there any errors while executing the pipeline.

- task: Powershell@2
displayName: "continueOnError Task"
continueOnError: true
ScriptType: InlineScript
Inline: |
Write-Hosts "Continue if any issue here"

- task: Powershell@2
displayName: "No Error Task"
continueOnError: true
targetType: 'inline'
Inline: |
Write-Host "Block if any issue here"

Now, when you run the pipeline, an indication about the error for the Task is shown and the execution will carry forward as shown below.


Like PowerShell task, you can continue error in other tasks as well as shown in bellow (click below link reference to know about other tasks).


In this this post, we have learnt how to continue the execution of the pipeline in spite-of having an error in one of the tasks that is Continue Azure Pipeline on failed task. This simple technique can be used in scenarios where you have a non-mandatory task that’s failing intermittently and you want to continue the execution of the pipeline.

How to Enable additional logs in Azure pipeline execution

One of the most important aspects in the Azure DevOps life cycle Pipeline development is to have tools and techniques in place to find out the root cause of any error that would have occurred during the pipeline Azure DevOps pipeline execution. In this article, we will learn how to review the logs that helps in troubleshoot for any errors in the Pipelines by enable additional logs in Azure pipeline execution

By default, Azure DevOps pipeline provides logs which provide information about the execution of each step in the pipeline. In case of any error or need to more information to debug that time the default logs wouldn’t help you in understanding what went wrong in the pipeline execution. In those cases, it would be helpful if we get more diagnostic logs about each step in the Azure DevOps pipelines.

Below are the two different techniques to enable the feature of getting additional logs.

Enable System Diagnostics logs for specific execution of pipeline.

If you would like to get additional logs for a specific pipeline execution then you need to do is enable the Enable System Diagnostics checkbox as shown below image and click on the Run button.

Enable System Diagnostics logs for All execution of pipeline.

If you always want to enable System Diagnostics to capture the Diagnostics trace for cases where the pipeline executed automatically (Continuous Integration scenarios), then you need to create a variable in the pipeline with the name system.debug and the set the value to true as shown below.

System.debug = true (variable helps us to generate diagnostics logs in during the execution of pipelines)
System.debug = False (variable helps us to not generate diagnostics logs in during the execution of pipelines)

Once we set the value of system.debug to true in our variable group (which referred in our pipeline), then the pipeline starts showing additional logs in the purple color as shown below.

System.debug = true

System.debug = false

Note: You like to view the logs without any colors, you can click on the View raw log button which opens up the logs in a separate browser window and you can save if required.

Download Logs from Azure pipeline:

In case if you like to share the logs to some other teams who doesn’t have access to your pipeline, you can download the logs by clicking on the Download Logs button in the Pipeline Summary page as shown below and you can share.


Understanding the directory structure created by Azure DevOps tasks

If you are beginner in Azure DevOps, understanding of when & which folders are created and populated by the pipeline tasks, this is one of the first step in learning Understanding the directory structure created by Azure DevOps tasks.

Azure DevOps Agent will supports Windows,Linux / Ubuntu, macOS Operating Systems but in this post we are going to check from the windows Agent machine.Let’s try to understand the folder structure by creating a very simple YAML based Azure DevOps Pipeline and add the Tasks based on the below instructions.

Let we understand the directory structure created by Azure DevOps tasks here !

Let we list all the folders that are created during the pipeline execution. It’s called as Workspace and so the local folder path can be referred using a Pre-defined variable called $(Pipeline.Workspace)

We are going to list all the folders (using below YAML with PowerShell task) that are created for a given current pipeline and this is called as Workspace. And the local folder path can be referred using a Pre-defined variable called $(Pipeline.Workspace)

In the below YAML, we added the powershell task to prints the folder structure inside the $(Pipeline.Workspace)

- task: PowerShell@2
  displayName: Show all Folders in $(Pipeline.Workspace) 
    targetType: 'inline'
    pwsh: true
    script: |
      Get-ChildItem -path $(Pipeline.Workspace)

Once your pipeline is executed, you will be able to see the folders like a, b, s and Test Results available in the workspace as shown in below snap shot.

Now based on the above image, Let’s now understand these folders and its usages in detail.

Folder Name: a
Referred using: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/ $(Build.StagingDirectory)/ $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)

Artifact Staging Directory is a pre-defined variable and used in Build Pipelines for storing the artifacts of solution which get build (simply its output artifacts). if you confused, in simple it is output of the Build process for any type of solution ( like .net, java, python etc) or it could be as simple as copy files.

The publish build artifacts task creates an artifact of whatever is in this folder. This folder will get cleared/purged before each new build.

Folder Name: b
Referred using: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)

Binaries directory is a pre-defined variable used for storing the output of compiled binaries that are created as part of compilation process

Folder Name: s
Referred using: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) / $(Build.SourcesDirectory)

Default working directory is a pre-defined variable that is mostly used to store the source code of the application. $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) is used automatically by the checkout step which download the code automatically as shown in below snap shot. In simple, this is the working directory and where your source code is stored.

Folder Name: TestResults
Referred using: $(Common.TestResultsDirectory)

Test results Directory contains the local directory of the agent which could be used for storing the Test Results.

Summary of directory structure created by Azure DevOps tasks

[wpdatatable id=2]