How to combine the elements of two arrays using Powershell
An array is a data structure that is designed to store a collection of items. The items can be the same type or different types. PowerShell (like most other languages) stay the same length once
How to Use PowerShell to Detect Logins and Alert Through Email using SendGrid
From Microsoft MSDN, The Get-WinEvent data from event logs that are generated by the Windows Event Log technology introduced in Windows Vista.And, events in log files generated by Event Tracing for Windows (ETW).By default, Get-WinEvent
How to delete files older than 30 days automatically using PowerShell
Delete files older than 30 days: In many scenario we will store large number of non-important files on a different location, and its very difficult to delete those huge files old files monthly wise, to
How to Read Multiline User Input in Powershell
Here we will discuss about reading multi line inputs from command line using PowerShell. In some time we often get requirement to enter multiple lines or paragraphs of text as input to a PowerShell script,
How to write data to an xml file using Powershell
Recently, I came up with a requirement of updating an config file (Xml data) in our PROD environment without login in to the sever to avoid the manual error, which lead to create this post.
Use PowerShell to create compressed ZIP files
In many scenarios, we will have a requirements for handling to create zip archives or extract files from existing archives with programmatically .ย From PowerShell 5.0, it provided two cmdlet for creating and extracting zip
How to Use Multidimensional arrays in Powershell
Before I show you how multi-dimensional arrays work, let we start what is an array. By default, PowerShell assumes that the elements of an array are of the type variant. This means that you can
Reading XML Files With PowerShell
Handling XML with PowerShell is very simple. It converts XML elements to properties on .NET objects without the need to write any parsing code. So it is very easy to use XML with PowerShell. Here