1 06, 2023 How to use the variable group at runtime in Azure YAML Pipeline Tags: How to use the variable group at runtime in Azure YAML Pipeline|
6 04, 2023 Using secrets from Azure Key Vault in a pipeline Tags: azure devops variable substitution, pull secrets from azure keyvault, pull the secrets from keyvault in azure pipeline|
26 01, 2023 Trigger Azure DevOps pipeline automatically using PowerShell Tags: Trigger Azure DevOps pipeline automatically, Trigger CI pipeline from the CD pipeline using powershell Azure Devops, trigger pipeline automatically|
24 08, 2022 How to Create Your First simple Jenkins Pipeline Tags: How to Create a New Build Job in Jenkins Freestyle Project, How To Create Your First Jenkins Pipeline|
20 07, 2022 Install Jenkins on Windows – A Step-By-Step Guide Tags: install jenkins on windows, Install Jenkins on Windows - A Step-By-Step Guide|