If we have two model classes like Customer details and Employee detail. ASP.NET MVC allows you to pass only One model to a view. The view can be bound with one and only one model. From the above statement, we understood that either pass customer or employee details to the view. Then What if a view requires to display both models?. Let us we discuss the situation as follows:

How to overcome?

In MVC we cannot pass more than one models from a controller to the single view. To overcome this we can use ExpandoObject class.

What is ExpandoObject ?

The .NET 4.0 framework actually includes an ExpandoObject class which provides a dynamic object that allows us to add properties and methods on the fly.

  • ExpandoObject is a sealed type so we can’t use it as a base class
  • It doesn’t serialize to XML or DataContractSerializer/DataContractJsonSerializer

From msdn, Represents an object whose members can be dynamically added and removed at run time.

When to use ?

In some time we need to display more than one type of model data in to the single view. For example i am having two models namely CustomerDetails and EmployeeDetails and if i need to display both information in single view then we can use the ExpandoObject.

Example :

Model :

Creating simple model namelu CustomerDetail.cs and EmployeeDetail.cs as shown below.



Controller :

View :

