How to use MVC Areas feature using Razor

 What is Areas ?

  •  In MVC we have default folders (view, model, controller…) structure, If application grew larger, then it will be complicated to maintain a modules and structure logic for the file in the solution.
  •  To overcome this, MVC provide areas,Using MVC area has its own folder structure which allow us to keep separate controllers, views, and models…

Creating Areas

Step 1:

To add an area to application, right-click on the project —> select Add —> Area option as shown below.

area 1

Step 2:

Enter the Module/Areas Name in the “Add name Prombt” as shown below

area 2

Click ADD button to create  structure(Areas) as shown below

area 3

Same way we can create more areas based on our modules…

Step 3:

Create Controller by right clicking the controllers folder then create view , as shown in below

area 5

area 6

Step 4:

Here we start discuss about “How to call Module_1(Areas) from main project”.

Here i am creating actionlink for calling the view inside the Module_1

@Html.ActionLink(“Go to Module-1 Index”,”Index”,”Module_1″,new {area =”Module_1″},null)

  • “Go to Module-1 Index” :   Name of link
  • Index : Name of the Action
  • Module_1 : Name of the controller
  • new {area =”Module_1″} : Name of the area

Step 5 :  Run the Application


area 7

By clicking the link, it will redirect to Module_1 (inside the Areas) as shown below

area 8