return View() :

It commend to generate HTML to display for the required view and render/send it to the browser

Example :

public ActionResult Index()
UserDetailModel obj = new UserDetailModel();
obj.CountryDetail = new List<Country>()

return View(obj);

In this above code the view is  (it never call any controller) which is referring the Action Method.
This below also work like above

public ActionResult Index(string Name)
return MyIndex();

return Redirect()

It commend to redirect to specified URL instead of rendering HTML (ie., it redirect to new URL)


public ActionResult Index(string Name)
return Redirect(“Home/TIndex”);

return RedirectToAction()

It commend to redirect to specified action instead of rendering HTML


public ActionResult Index(string Name)
return RedirectToAction(“TIndex”);

Note :

1)  Return View doesn’t make a new requests, it renders the view without changing URLs in the browser’s address bar. (ie., simple like Server.Transfer() )

2)  Return RedirectToAction makes a new requests and URL in the browser’s address bar is changed (ie., simple like Response.Redirect() )

RedirectToAction(“CustomerDetail”, “Customers”, new { CustomerID = 1001 })

In this above,it will generate the URL for you based on your route table.CustomerID will pass to the customerDetail action method under the CustomerFolder

3)  Redirect also work same as RedirectToAction , but you have to mention full URL to redirect