
The jQuery height() method is used to GET/SET the height for the selected element. In simple, height() method can be split in to two purposes

  • GET height: It will return the height for the selected/matched element
  • SET height: It will set the height for the selected/matched element


  • $(selector).height()
  • $(selector).height(value)
  • $(selector).height(function(index,currentheight))
Value   It specifies the height in px, pt, em, etc. In default it treat as px.
function(index,currentclass) A function that returns one or more class names to remove
index : Returns the index position of the matched element
currentclass : Returns the current class name of the matched element

Difference between .css(“height”) & .height():

.css( “height” ) : It will returns with unit value (for example, 200px)
.height() : It return with units less (for example, 200).

When to use?

If we need to perform some mathematical calculation based on the element’s height then we can use .height().



Clicking on button, the .height(20) method will set height as 20 for the selected element and .height() method will GET the height of the selected div .
